Career Search for Veterans

Type in your MOS code, NEC, or AFSC below to match your skills to accounting & finance careers.
A Strategic Way to Search for Civilian Job Opportunities
With our military code job search, we provide veterans with a smooth experience while they look for employment opportunities. Veterans can type in their MOS, NEC, or AFSC code into our dedicated search bar to see accounting & finance positions that relate to their military experience and skills.

Career Resources for Veterans

Looking for expert career guidance as a military veteran? Look no further! Our blog has the tips and tricks you need for success in accounting & finance!
How Military Veterans Can Stand Out from Other Accounting and Finance Candidates We learn about your background, help identify how your military skills translate to private sector jobs, and then present opportunities that are a great fit.
Veterans: Your Guide to Transition to a Civilian CPA Choose a career partner that embraces diversity. Guided by our core values, we help provide jobs for all segments of our nation's workforce.
Why Military Leaders Make Great Accountants Did you know that major corporations and public accounting firms alike look for specific hard and soft skills first when they build out their teams? Skills that most military leaders have because of their military background.